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FAILSAFE Fungal Antimicrobial Resistance Innovations for Low & Middle Income Countries: Solutions & Access For Everyone


Members Application

Your Details


Research areas

Please tick any areas of research that are relevant to you.
(This will inform the search function within our members directory).

Please summarise your main research interests and/or provide link(s) to your current research web page or staff profile page.

CMM LATAM Ecosystem

Are you representing a collaborative clinical centre wishing to join the CMM LATAM Ecosystem? The CMM LATAM Ecosystem is a dynamic and collaborative network dedicated to addressing the significant challenge of endemic mycoses in Latin America.
If "Yes", please add the cohorts you are considering to integrate with our Ecosystem (you can select more than one)

Your profile

Please provide a picture of yourself to aid networking within the community. If you do not wish to include a personal image, please upload your institution logo.

Maximum file size: 5MB

Please include a link to your current biography and/or provide a short biography (up to 200 words) highlighting information that you think would be of interest to other FAILSAFE members and/or potential collaborators.
0 of 500 max words


Kindly note that information submitted here will be added to the access-controlled network directory, so please make sure you don't add information you wouldn't want to share within the directory with other members through your profile.

Terms and conditions

By entering your initials below, you agree that your application is accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge and also that you consent to the details of your application being shared with the University of Exeter, FAILSAFE members, and the Department for Health and Social Care. You also agree to the FAILSAFE Network Terms and Conditions including collection, storage and use of your personal data and always to act in accordance with them.

Simply type your initials to agree (you can then click submit below).